Sunday, October 19, 2014

Jakob Joseph turns 10

Look at this deliciousness!! I miss this little one. This is my Jakob Joseph. He hadnt been home very long when I took this picture. Getting here was quite the challenge. I was so sick when I was pregnant with him that I got the joy of being on bed rest for 7 months. Ok it was not the best time of my life by any means. It was horrific. But when he finally arrived my heart melted for him. I mean really look at him!
Please ignore how hideous I look in this photo. Jake is literally 4 days old and I could barely move at this point let alone hold my boys. John was so happy to have a little brother. John is 2 in this photo and by a miracle he is not sick. In any case from this day onward those two were inseparable. John would come in and sleep beside him and check on him often to make sure his brother was ok. They are still the same way. They love each other so much, half the time i cant get them to not sleep together still. I think Jake is getting to the point where he wants to sleep alone. But every once in a while i catch them together.

Jakob is one of the best kids. He is so tender and loving. He has a really sweet streak in him. I think he could be a great football player but hurting someone else makes him really unhappy.
Maybe i am bias but that kid was one good looking kid. Man he was so adorable! I always wanted to sit with him and just hold him. He was so easy to deal with. I think I needed it after he was born. It took me a long time to get myself better. ( speaking of that i really need to work on myself again, another blog another time i think)

This kid has finished out our family. I often look at him and wonder where he came from. He looks a lot like my sister Sarah and brother Malcolm. Maybe he takes after the Thomson side (my mum?!) not to sure. He has a bit of Henrie in him but I really see Fernald/Thomson. He is funny and makes us all laugh. He has a super dry sense of humor that must be the New England in him. I am glad he is like that. He rounds us out. 

He is glorious and amazing. Somewhere along the way I started calling him Fred. He has always been that for me. I think as my youngest and as the one whom I had to make some really tough decisions with he is a special one.  Some of his favorite things: Transformers, Chocolate, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Jill the dog, Brownies, Chili Dogs, and Fries.

Some of the things his family has to say about him:
Laura he is a good pillow
John when you hit his stomach he farts
Makalya he is not a Jerk like John
Brenda  he is funny
Momma he is my Fred
Dad he likes to mow the yard (personal goat!)

Look at this kid. This is the way he is all the time, happy.

one of my favorites of him (thanks for catching this Rachelle!) Pure joy!

with his big brother. 

typical of my boys always hanging out together. I love this one as well. 

So to family near and far know that my Jake is amazing and wonderful. I know that he will grow to be a wonderful man someday. Just a few years away and he will be a man. For today he is my 10 year old man who loves his mom no matter what. 
so here is a video of my boy. We did this a bit ago. Dont mind me and my word flub in it but he is a funny kid. This is how he is all the time. Enjoy my kid...he makes life happy. I am thankful Heavenly Father sent him to us. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sickness, Work, Soup

I love this picture. It has been one of those weeks (or 2) where I am just at my wits end. For about 3 days my boys have been sick, so sick. High fever, chills,headache, cough that sounds like a dog barking. I thought they were well and then last night it all went to crap again. There is nothing more helpless than being in bed alone (Shane had gone hunting overnight with Makayla) and praying that your boys will be okay. I found some peace by propping them up and massaging their backs. I was kept awake all night or close to it. We got ready this morning and went off to the dr but when we arrived the office was closed. C.L.O.S.E.D!!! before you ask I did call and nobody answered but the message said they were open. Super frustrating! So i had to come back to my side of town and stop in at a Primary Care. The MD there was great and thorough, the boys will be better soon but the cough is going to hold on! Yay!?
So then of course they decided to fight, I figure if they can fight they can work until they are tired and sleep! Yup I am mean they worked for the next hour or so....proof? Yup got some

Now they can barely move and are just about ready to fall asleep. I did get them some movies and they are resting (I am not that mean) Oh and we did clean their room. How is there so much damned laundry from 2 boys? They only wear like 5/6 things...and why hide undies? Seriously do they think I cannot smell them? Or know they are out of them when they are wearing the same ones? I dont get boys? It is just plain gross really. Oh and why do they hold on to everything? What do you need that one piece of paper for? or that pepperoni under your bed? (YES PEOPLE pepperoni UNDER the bed) We all need snacks but....ugh I just cannot even. Cannot.Even. 

With them being sick i had to take some days off of work. The first time I have had a big girl job and take some time off. I am not sure what to make of that. Luckly I have some time off I can use so I can at least cover these few days. Nice to have a job where you can earn Paid Time Off and/or vacation time. I can say that I miss working though. I guess because I have a rhythm with it now and am doing well. 
I found this picture of my girls from around the time John was born. Look at how amazing they are! They are amazing and wonderful. To think they look like this now
in the same order too! first picture Brenda is 8ish Makayla 4ish Laura 2ish....this one 18, 15, 14...amazing what a few years do! They are so lovely...Watching Brenda work around having her boy(friend) leave for his mission has been difficult. He is a super guy and really is kind and loving to her. I hope when he gets back it works for them but as of today he has been gone for 4 days and she is having a hard time. She is going to be ok but its tough. So if you have any good ju ju or prayers for her send them on. She would appreciate them...even some kind words on her page would help.

So the last thing I have to talk about is soup! I sit next to a wonderful person at work who is so kind. I had told her about how sick my boys were and how tired I was, that I had forgotten my lunch. She has been sick as well but we started talking about soup and how delicious it would be to have. Her mom works in the same office just another department. Around lunch time my girlfriend says what kind of soup do you want? I say broccoli sounds good. Her mom comes with soup....SOUP! 
It looks bigger than it is but trust me it was delicious and wonderful. I was so thrilled and humbled that she would think of me. I offered to pay her as soon as pay day came...alas she said not to worry. I shall repay her...Its a joy to have her next to me!

Reminds me to be kind to everyone, help everyone and love everyone. Find a way to serve and you shall be served in return. Kinda takes away the crappy times.....

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Panda, movies and thanks

So Shane and I went to Panda Express last week. He is a good man but sending him into a restaurant he has never been in makes him nervous. I think its cute but he would say differently. Anyway, we then went to see a movie and I am a huge fan of Denzel Washington for a few reasons: he is nice looking, he is older and gets more handsome, he picks good roles AND he makes some good movie rolls...although this one was bloody and a bit violent it was worth it for me.

Speaking of movies have you ever wondered why movies are made when they are? Right now I have noticed that there is a long list of movies which have some reference to good and evil, Bible (whether you agree with the premise of the movie or not) Fight for freedom...something along those lines. It is interesting that at this time we are making movies which show us that we are (as a collective) fighting against some sort of bad guy or evil. It really is quite fascinating that we as a consumer public are looking for escape in having someone be the hero, the fighter, the stand up guy. What are we afraid of, fighting against in our world or perhaps loosing touch with that we need a constant reminder from the Studio Executives?

Well brings me to my next point. I had an awesome discussion with my sister a week or so ago about the frustration of death. She has experienced the death of our mother, brother and sadly her beautiful child. She has always been a rock of awesome for me, but as we sat and talked i realized that we have depended on each other more than we both had realized. She is the one I went to when I was in a situation where I needed confirmation of myself (she was a teenager at the time) She is the one I talked to when our brother died. We figured out most of the funeral service together. She is an amazing person and is an Atheist. I totally respect her way of life. She is an amazing mother, wife, sister and daughter. She has given me a different view of life as I am a Latter-day Saint. I know she disagrees with me and my views, standards, religiosity (is that a word), but I am so grateful to have her in my life. I dont try to push anything on her, if i step over bounds she tells me. It is glorious to have her in my life.

General Conference was this last weekend and one talk stated that we as Latter-day Saints need to be more open, loving, kind and understanding of others and how they feel about us. I would like to think that I am open and loving to all whom i meet. Some of my good friends are not members of any faith, different faiths, gay/lesbian/transgendered, and just plain could care less what i believe in. I love them all. I have friends all the way from High School who are understanding an kind with me as well. I love having discussions with them. I am so grateful for their understanding of me.

Back to the quote at the is full of trials, frustrations, irritations and plain old crap. Piles and piles of crap! It is so hard to keep going sometimes. One friend i have made over the past week is a lovely woman from work. She is not a public speaker but got up in front everyone in our company including on a webex seminar to tell everyone about her life(over 200-300 people). I was so touched by her frankness and love for her family. She has 3 daughters who all have some ailment which she carefully watches and dutifully takes care of. Yet depression grasps her often and she has to struggle through it. I feel a kinship to her, she is wonderful and kind...frankly amazing. Yet she endures, pushes forward loves all....

The reward of life is having a group of people, family, friends who will be with you through all of it.
I think of my sister, my friends (near and far), the people who are my family who love me and accept me through it all. I have found a way to love and accept all those who come across my still be myself and I know they are always there when I need a break and have to figure crap out.

So to all those who look at this blog for funny me...not today
Just a few thoughts on life, i am not that philosophical but if you read this know in some way if i know you i probably think you are pretty great, no matter what/who you are! You all help to shape me, mold me to become better, kinder, more comfortable in myself and when i need a break you are there to welcome me back...thank you, thank you so much

Friday, October 3, 2014

Birthday, Sick, Crazies

it seems i never have time to do what i want and i get my birthday came and went i got some new sheets! that is exciting. its nice to have a bed with nice sheets that fit and are pretty. They arent the ones i really wanted but they will do for now. (Sorry no picture)

On my birthday this is what i did (hold up for photos)

John came down with a severe respiratory infection and Makayla, per the usual, had hurting ears headache that wouldnt go away and whatever else is always wrong with her. By this point she was not a happy camper and probably could have killed me for taking her picture but hey it was my birthday!

Finally when we got home we settled into whatever place we could find and i promptly fell asleep in my chair. I had been working 40 hours at AmeriBen then working about 10+ more at BBB on the weekends so i have been pretty beat. Unfortunately for me i left my phone unaccompanied and this is what occured

It would seem the culprit is Brenda...How are we ever going to marry her off? Apparently some boy likes her so maybe when he gets back from his mission he may still like her?? One can only hope. He seems to be a nice boy (plus side? Dad likes him so that is a good thing right??)

At work they decorated my desk. Apparently they do this for everyone. Seems a bit weird to me as I could really care less but it was nice of them. Dont look at my desk its a mess...papers everywhere! Still trying to keep up. (By the way Sarah remember that frame you gave me years ago with all of our names on it? its right there in my cube with my kiddos and hubby in a photo...I love it!)

I had to fill out a questionnaire about what i like and such and now everyone knows of my appreciation for Hugh Jackman! Needless to say a lovely woman at work creates some beautiful artwork and gave me this for my birthday as well...Pretty smokin' (huh Milz??) So he hangs behind me so when i get up to move around I can see his cuteness!

A few days after my birthday my Homie-G who sits next to me got me some cupcakes. She is a great girl i enjoy having her next to me. Hailey is her name and she is a delight to have around. She makes me feel young and assures me I am way smarter then I think I am. We laugh together A LOT and it makes for good times at work when you have someone like that who you can be yourself with. She is amazing, I hope she knows it. I may have to tell her more often. Its like having another little sister around. She is so talented (she is a photographer on the side), smart (works overtime for the company doing a bunch of stuff i dont understand but want to learn), funny (her and Jake have videos going back and forth of saying hi to each other), beautiful (she is lovely inside and out) and super caring (she encourages me to rise to my potential). 

And so that was my birthday and the adventures of the crazies.....