John gave his first talk a month or so ago and it was great. He did and awesome job. I had quite a few comments on his ability to give a talk to a large crowd and touch their hearts. It was a bit funny on the Sunday before we moved a wonderful woman came up to me with tears in her eyes telling me how wonderful John is. That what she remembered from his talk was that she is beautiful and Heavenly Father loves her no matter what she may feel about herself. I must say my son is a good boy, he tries so hard to be successful in all that he does. He has figured out that he is super smart and can do just about anything. The other day he was helping his math sub with some College level math. He was so proud of himself. It will be nice to see where he goes from here at the tender age of 12.
Makayla and Laura gave a talk a few weeks later that was just as wonderful. There were quite a few people who did not have dry eyes. My girls have been so good and supportive with all that we have been through. They have become ladies not just girls anymore. I am so proud of them and all they have become. I am blessed to have such good girls.
I have been trying to look at the blessings of our situation. Our lives have been a bit chaotic with loosing the house we wanted, to not having a place to live, to finding a place to live and then adapting to all of those changes. It has been hard. A few things have happened. I was telling a friend of my woes...she is very kind and loving and so understanding of me. It is unusual for me to find such a friend but she talks to me constantly over the instant messaging system we have at work. Her kind words are always supportive and most of all she lets me vent. She lets me be me. There have been times I have whined to her about stupid things like pillows, lunch, diet coke, feeling fat, being think of it i have whined about it. Yet though it all she has been uplifting, kind, understanding, and loving. She has been a blessing in my life over the past week and has given of herself unselfishly and lovingly. She gave me a gift the other day of a gift card to Walmart for pillows for the family. This gift card was enough for pillows, shoes (as a boy has walked out of his shoes) some Easter candy with some left for when there are other needed essentials. I know there will be some needs coming up and there is money left for what we need. I am so grateful for her. She has no idea of the blessing she has been in our lives. Someday I will bless her life as she has blessed mine.

Shane made some omelets this morning. They were delicious. I have to admit i miss having Shane cook for me. Although I am grateful for where we are, I do miss a kitchen. The folks we live with have been so kind and, I am sure, expect us to use their kitchen but we try not to impose too much. they have 3 littles and my boys have had so much fun playing with them. It has been nice to see my boys be friends with the littles.
did everyone see Brenda in the background? she is strange...just no explanation for what she is.
On another note today is Easter. This day is a great day to ponder on the Savior and his love for me. I know that He loves me and my family. We have been down a rough road since moving to Boise. Most of it no fault of our own. We have been on a path that has been rocky and sometimes full of potholes. Amazingly I still have my children and my hubs. We are taking each step slowly by surely and will come out better somewhere, somehow. The Savior has been by our side every step of the way. I now there are those who do not believe as I do but for me this has been a bit of solace in my life. I need to have something to hold onto and holding to the Savior makes my life easier. My friend told me that I am enduring this trial with a grace she thought she could never have. I think of her when I hit the trials of my life. She has trials going on as well, finding grace can take us through anything, but the grace must come from the Savior. His kindness and love for me abounds and I am truly blessed to know Him.
I guess what I mean is enjoy what you have, love what is around, find joy in the crap of life. It certainly is crap...well the crap is know what i mean. Hang on for the ride. This too shall pass and make me stronger.....