Things have been so busy in our lives, keeping a blog going is hard. I have to really make time to sit down and get my mind together. It has been a while so this one may be long. Get may be a fun ride, may not...
Sometimes Laura lets me take photos of her drawings. Our ward has sent out paper to have the kids draw what they think Christmas is to them. Laura is really talented, she doesnt believe that she is but obviously she has a creative streak....
So i randomly made a post on FaceBook about us not having any
peanut butter. We had run out and had been out of it for a few weeks. We
had to wait until the next pay know normal shopping stuff. Plus
we are so busy that getting to the store is sometimes impossible.
I went to work the next day and there was the first of our peanut butter, then in the inter office mail 2 more, then that night a mysterious drop off, the next night another drop off...and low and behold in the mail comes 2 more. Love the fact that we have such wonderful people who think so much of us. To my Target friend whom i havent spoken to in years and children think you are a Target Goddess!!! Needless to say we are set for a bit....

I got sick a week ago. We had a few of the kids sick and it was a rough few days. John and Makayla had a pretty good ear infection and sore throats along with no voice. I got really tired and worn out, finally laryngitis hit me. My sweet friend got me a cup from her desk and someone else got me some tea (raspberry tea my new fav) along with some chamomile. This is what my desk looked like. Yes that photo of my kiddos is on my desk everyday. It makes me work harder, quicker because i know i do things for them. They are good kiddos. I am glad they put enough faith in me to allow me to go to work and work long days. Then come home and do Young well as Visiting Teaching. Those kids are so supportive of me, they are kind, loving and some of the best humans i could ever ask to have in my life. Sometimes i cannot believe that I, I, have such great kids. They love me with all they are. I love them back.

Another thing, see this photo? Its lovely isnt it? I am NOT crafty in any way shape or form. I can barely dress myself and make things look decent. I had a friend at work who is crafty, i say had, because she moved on to another job. I thought she captured me very well. I am not glitter, sparkles or even bright colors. But i know that i am loved...Loved by many, it has shown more and more in the last few weeks. I have needed that love to show. I will remember her every time i look at my M. It is a loving gift...
I have another friend at work, whom i will call Mommy, (she has a similar nick name for me), She often takes the time to come by my desk and just pat my back and tell me she misses me and is thinking of me. She rubs my back and gives me support. I am not usually one for touchy stuff but somehow from her its ok. She understands me...i love her.
My aunt Iris sends me lovely cards every year. This year I was delighted to have a package from her. I love that she thinks of us. She is so kind. One of my regrets is that i do not know my mothers family. Here i am 43 and I wonder everyday what they are like Who are they? I know most of them read this blog and I am sure they wonder about us as well. A big reason I started writing this blog was so my mums family could have a little glimpse at our family. I know sometimes i write about me, but i try to include a lot of things about my children for my family.

This year she sent me a lovely calendar of Scotland. The kids wanted to see their birthday months, I think all kids do. They were happy to see how wonderful the photos were from a place they have only heard about. I can not decide now if i want it at work or at home. I would love to look at the photos everyday.
She also sent me a beautiful card with a request (again) to come visit. My daughters and I want to go and visit but it is going to take a bit of organizing. The cost of plane tickets is outrageous. But then again i dont fly that much. We shall see what the next year brings. I love the cards she sends. i have most all of them saved somewhere in my mass of stuff. Someday i will go through it all and find them and put them together.

Finally there is a show on Netflix i love love keeps me engaged. It has a great story line, i just wish there were more seasons. I have always loved James Spader as an actor, he is amazing. This show is great. If you are looking for something to watch take a few mins to watch it. My kids are watching it with me. Netflix has been a good thing for our house. We are trying to keep the garbage of naked women, soft porn commercials out of our house. It has been great to have Netflix.
It has been a long few weeks and I am grateful that our family is thought of. I am more grateful that I am loved. Loved is a nice feeling. I hope i return that to others. I am not sure that i am good at returning. I guess it is another thing i will have to work on.