With the big announcement of Brendas wedding to Mr Skyler ther is much to do but frankly i dont want to do it. So you ask what are the plans??
Shane and I have been saving some money for a while and gave them the lot and said go for it. We gave them a bit of advice and sent them on their way. They have been so frugal planning everything. Skylers sister got married a bit a go and there are some lovely centerpieces that are simple. Just right for them. Brenda has a few good ideas for what she wants at the reception. They took the time to save up for the rings. Hers is so so lovely....
She wanted something different and she got something different. It is Black Hills gold with Marcasite in the middle. She has some good taste. Watching the two of them work things out has been nice to watch. It is hard to start out marriage but they are working well together. They are both still in school and working so they are super busy. I am glad to have a new son come into our family. The boys are excited as well! They both really like him and that is great.
In other news Laura turned 16, I cant believe she is that age already. We have worked so hard with her to have her become the person she is. It has been wonderful to watch her grow and become the young lady she is now....
I realized at this birthday its the last one where i have all my kiddos. Last time as a family together. Skyler couldnt make it this night but here are my children. One is moving on with her life and the others are growing and becoming...everyday just becoming wonderful humans.
A week ago I was at my desk just contemplating things. I know there are big changes coming in our life. I am not going to talk about any of those changes right now but they are big. I have worked very hard for a long time to be where I am in life. I am confident and ready for the changes to come. I was explaining it to one of the nurses. She is a very kind woman who is very open to the things I am feeling and what changes may come. One day she put this on my desk, she often comes by to remind me of it. This day I was struggling, A phone call came in to my direct line. It was her, she just wanted to tell me how much she appreciates me and and the work i do. She took the time out of her day to tell me I am loved and important. It was so touching for me. Reminded me of my box on my desk, that now brings me a feeling of warmth whenever i look at it.

What about you? do you have someone in your life who will let you know out of the blue that you are important? If you dont I am here to tell you that you are important and loved. YOU, Yes YOU are amazing in all that you work on and accomplish. I am not good at doing this in real life but I am thinking of all of those who read this blog...the ones who refer to it at work during our chats, the ones who send me emails just to check on me, the ones who text me, call me however you see me. I struggle with feelings and making them known. But know this...You are loved and important...now i have to keep reminding myself....