Anyone who knows our family knows how much we love this movie. The Princess Bride is full of fun and laughter. Brenda got her wisdom teeth out a week or so ago and i thought the top saying was good for her so i sent it in a message. I found it funny. Not sure Skyler did, I am not sure he is the fan of the movie. The 2nd one is something i say quite often to myself when i am confronted with stupid, which sometimes is more than i would like to admit.
One of my sweet friends from a previous job got married to his sweet heart last weekend and i went to the wedding. The wedding was in Eagle behind, of all places, Zamzows (similar to a pet/yard supply store). I was fascinated that this lovely set up was just of a main road and it was so quiet and lovely.

Sean and Kristi Conner happy day to them. I love them both, they were a blast to work with. I was thrilled to find out they were having a sweet baby together! Sam is adorable and he was even cuter in their walking down the aisle to his daddy.
On the way home the event was around the corner from where the Meridian Temple is being built. I thought i would stop and see it. There isnt a spire yet and its over half way done on the outside. I am sure they are working hard on the inside. It will be a wonder when it is finished. It is closer to us by 15 mins than the Boise Temple. Virtually down the road from work for me. The sky was so lovely that day and to see the clouds and the blue of Gods creations really made me feel inspired to feel the love of my family more. I have great kiddos who really work to be good humans. They love Heavenly Father and really try to be good people. They work hard to find good in each other and others. I know you or some of you are probably thinking whatever.....but really i am serious. I even have an example that happened this week.....
I got a call at work on Thursday that was a bit frantic. Makayla was telling me that John had been stung 3 times by a wasp. John has been mowing a families yard for most of the summer to to earn his money for Scout camp. He opened the lid to the trash can and BOOOM stung....The lady of the house drove him home. Makayla checked in with me and stated that he seemed ok but would call me back in a half an hour if there were changes. Within about 20 mins i got another call that Makayla was in the car taking John to the hospital. She was calm and collected and stated that he couldnt breathe was covered in hives and was swelling up. In fact his eyes are swollen shut.
I told her i was on my way. She said ok mom. As i walked into the hospital she was still calm, which for Makayla is a feat in and of itself. She tends to over react to everything. John was red as a lobster and had already had Epinephrine to try and open his air way. Apparently he was in very bad shape when he got there and there were a few moments when it was touch and go. But John kept smiling and Makayla kept him calm. When i arrived i could feel the relief wash over them. Poor boy had 2 shots by then and was getting another of Benadryl as well. Then 3 doses of Steroids and some Pepcid (usually an acid blocker but it also is an antihistamine, I had no idea either). Within an hour he wasnt as red and the hives were going down. The respiratory therapist said his breathing sounded great and he probably wouldnt need a breathing treatment but he had to stay for a while to be watched....While all of this was going on Brenda offered to have Skyler come and sit with John so I could return to work and not loose any hours. Sweet Skyler got up from working all night and came to sit with John after only 4 hours of sleep, so i could return to work.
Makayla helping John to relax
John the day after still struggling a bit
All the while this was going on there were constant messages from Laura and Jake requesting photos to make sure John was ok and Brenda as well keeping up. For me it was stressful. When I spoke to the Dr he explained that John had such a reaction that was so quick he should never be with out an Epi-pen and other medications. Also even with that as a help, he has to be transported to a hospital right away if he ever gets stung again. I thought it was odd that they had him in a room so big with no TV...come to find out it is the Crash room, there was a chance he was going to need a lot of help and they were not going to chance it. Now you may ask why didnt we tell anyone?? There isnt much to tell except he is doing better. He is now on prednisone (a steroid) for a week and is constantly tired from doses of benadryl as well. It is going to be long few days for him and he keeps falling asleep but as soon as he recovers he will be on his way to the mountains with his dad and brother. They are going to have a great time.
Shane is the Elders Quorum President and he decided to treat the EQ families to some pulled pork. Of course that means he has to pull out his pride and joy and smoke some meat. Now here is the exciting thing about our cooker and where we live. We tend to have a lot of people drive by continuously to see what is going on. Needless to say it was some good smoked pork and i didnt get any pictures of it the next day. I had too many errands to run to get ready for the trip to England/Scotland.
The only photo I got was of Jake getting some sweet cotton candy. He was so excited. It was a long busy day, today i am super tired. But i must still pack and work one more day then begin the will be exciting. I hope to blog some while i am there but we will see....Photos to come....