Its been a while, why you ask? I have no clue. I have to say that I have been working hard at looking for new employment. My goal has always to be in Human Resources. Its going to take a while to get there but in the mean time I am working hard at looking, putting in applications, trying to get noticed. I knew it was going to be a difficult road but it is more disconcerting than difficult. I have found someone who is guiding me through the process which is nice. She is an amazing lady who is supportive, straightforward and kind. She understands me and my values which is even better. So that is we wait.
There has been so much going on in the last few months. I have been having so much fun with Axel, he is an absolute joy in our life. This summer has been one that has been a trial of our marriage, but we found a way through the trial. It is not something I want to talk about, nor will I, but needless to say, we are stronger than ever. There is a time in marriage when you go back to where you were in the beginning, that is where we are. I cant wait to get home to see him, to be with him. I love to be with him, in the front room holding hands, in our room just talking with the door closed and no kids around, in the car just driving, over texting when we an say anything. Its a new freedom I have never had. Not sure why I have never had it but there it is. A good man said to us that we would make it through not matter what as long as we had the Lord in our lives and we do.
Onto our life over the past few months.
One of the funny things that happened is Brenda came and asked for the dictionary that we have used in the house forever. So Shane bestowed it upon her and she can now take it home and utilize it. It was a fun moment. This is the same dictionary she had to copy words out of when she got them wrong on her spelling tests (all the kids did). And away it goes.
Makayla turned 19 we had a great time to have everyone together. I love it when the kids come together makes life fun.

Axel had his first big boy food on Makaylas birthday dinner.

there is always one kid who makes a face, I will let you decide

Cant ever get a normal one, except for Skyler he always treats me right!
Jake likes to play with my phone. Sometimes we play together I figure its a good way to show his funny faces, most people don't see this side of Jake. He is generally very somber around people. Jake is funny, he is a sarcastic person, he always has a comeback. He makes everyone laugh and brings joy to everyone. At the same time he still comes to lay down by me to talk to me softly at night and tell me he loves me. He is always one to hug me (they all are).
I call him Sweet Bub most of the time, not sure he will know what his name is when he sees me. He makes life happy.
There has been much joy in our life, I have noticed the more Shane and I concentrate on each other the better our family is. Having Axel has been a blessing, so much so that I cannot even express. Shane and I have been working on each other more and it has created more joy with in our home. Our children are closer and happier together. Sure there are struggles, trials but small steps come with that. How well the Savior knows us and our challenges. He certainly guides us through the hard times as well as the good times.
I had the opportunity to work at the Meridian Temple open house in the parking lot helping to keep the traffic under control. Being on the grounds of the temple once a week gave me a pleasure that I cannot describe. I knew before hand that President Uchdorff was coming to do the dedication. I was excited to be a part of the glory surrounding the House of the Lord.

Surprisingly our family was given tickets to be inside the temple on the day of the dedication. I had been on the temple grounds for a full month and never gone on the tours, had not been inside, my children had worked on the temple grounds as well and had not been inside either. We all got to go inside to hear 2 apostles speak and dedicate the House of the Lord. What a treasure to be there with them. It made the trials of the year seem so insignificant, so small. We had over come and become stronger and better. Standing in line that day I took this photo above, our family together, our family for eternity. We have created these children who are amazing. They are all teenagers now, I cannot believe they are all old enough to take care of themselves. 2 of them are making great decisions in their life that are guiding them forward. Do they struggle? sure they do, but they come and talk to us, to each other and find support. They are all strong, in spirit, in physicality, in mind. Somehow they have become amazing, I wonder how Shane and I did that, with all of our flaws. My love of the Gospel has brought me to this place, this time in my life. I couldn't be more blessed and grateful.