Shane and the boys have been working so hard on the yard. I cannot tell you how much work they have done. Within the last 3 months they have not only been working on the yard but we as a family have been working on my Mother in Laws house(we are still not done), doing Jakes Eagle project (another blog on that to come), an upcoming Scout Fundraiser (that has turned into something absolutely crazy), Makaylas Graduation, and a family camping trip. It has been absolutely insane and we havent even reached July yet. July will be even more crazy then maybe we can calm down and wait for a Baby Rigby to get here and spend some time with Brenda and her little.
So some photos of our yard at this point. This first photo is down the side of our house. We live on a corner lot and put in the irrigation this year as well. That took a chunk of money as well as some serious time. Shane and the boys got all of the irrigation together, finally and we are waiting for some parts of the pipes needed to get the water where we need it to go.
So far this is one of my favorites, i love that Shane takes the time to thank Heavenly Father for the blessing of our home, also asking for His help to guide them to do good work. I was glad to get this photo, makes me love him so much. My boys are such good boys. Was everything easy going? Was there no yelling? No way but i think it made a difference in the way they talked to each other while the machine was working.
John and Jake learned how to use a laser level and make sure that Shane had all the elevations he needed while he was in the machine.
We had some of the scouts come over and help to put in these rail road ties to create a good level yard. They all worked so hard and got paid some well deserved money for Scout Camp. They worked really hard, of course anyone who works with Shane works really hard. We even had a dad come so his boys could go to another service project, then the boys came back to work some more. It was a long hard day for them.
There are also some rail road ties along the front of the yard by the road as well as that part will be a garden.
The boys planted 7 fruit trees as well, 2 peach, 1 apricot, 2 apple, 2 cherry. Shane was so excited to get the fruit trees. He was literally brought almost to tears as he wanted those trees so badly. It was such a sweet moment. He has been so thrilled to have this yard come together.
Of course when you have a machine you have to let the boys play a bit, they had a great time.
This is John playing
This is Jake playing
In the end we have a beautiful yard that is ready to be planted with grass, veggies, fruit and whatever else we can find. I am hoping some rose bushes. I love rose bushes....or just ROSES..they will come in time.
the top photo is the end result of the strawberry planting. Shane loves strawberries, Jake has his rhubarb plants he is watering and bringing to life. Its an interesting group of people i live with. I suppose i need to get more photos in the coming months so everyone can all see...OH see the grass beyond the garden part, YES he planted grass for me, or the grandbaby...its going to be glorious. I am really bad at doing yard stuff and being helpful with anything, but i try. Then the boys are not that great at the inside things, but they try. Things are crazy but our house is becoming more and more of a home, and my farmer is happier and happier everyday.