Friday, January 3, 2020

Jeremiah Orion Rigby has arrived....

It seems that I am always behind on posting photos or uploads of what is going on. It seems our life is super busy and when i have some down time I am too tired to do anything. Because the new year is here I am amazed at how fast time is moving for me. This last year was a whirl wind really...Shane and I lost our jobs, Shane found new job, I found a temp job, we got a puppy(that frustrates me), my new job hired me full time AND gave me a raise, our girl gave us another sweet boy, a bison harvest with various animal parts around and finally Scouts, scouts, Scouts....For this blog lets just focus on our new addition Jeremiah....

Lets start with the best part of the year, Jeremiah Orion Rigby made an appearance on October 20 around 9 am. Jake was so hoping he would be born on his birthday, however instead sweet peanut was born on his Great-Aunt Sarah's birthday (haha she is a great aunt...makes me chuckle every time). Brenda contacted us the evening before and said she had to get to the hospital, the laboring was not too long and she said it wasnt too difficult for her...epidurals are her friend. Hell epidurals are friendly with anyone really. Gratefully mumma and boy were good...OH and Skyler was good also. Skyler is one of the most amazing people, he is kind, understanding, driven, loving, talented...i suppose i cant say enough about him. He makes Brenda a better person and he is a great dad. He is very busy he works full time and he is doing all the schooling to prepare for medical school. 
Here is Grandpappy with his new grandie...He looks so little compared to his burly grandpappy.

Brenda and I have decided Jeremiah has a few Fernald attributes...Peanut certainly has quite the grumpy face. (see next photo)

yawning and tired, eating is hard work.

 Brenda has a sweet friend who takes amazing photos. Kristy Bell Photography, she is very good at what she does. She took photos of Axel after he was born as well.  Check these out....
(eh, hem, Fernald face)

cant forget this cutie...Mr Axel Hugh being himself....
both together...

Sky is a great daddy...look at that baby mouth....

looking great...such photogenic people (sort of makes me sick :))
 here is my baby with her baby its so strange to me, she certainly isnt old enough. It seems as though she was just getting just learning to drive.....just learning to read, walk, talk...she is my girl.
Jeremiah was only a few weeks old and found a comfy place on grandpappy

he is a tough one holding his head up already
Jake got to visit Jeremiah when he had just come home from the hospital. He is so little next to his uncle.

Jeremiah was 2 weeks(ish) in this photo 
Jeremiah was only a few days old when we took this photo, Heather (England cousin) sent the idea along to us, I think it turned out amazing really.

Of course i have so many more...but for now this is photo overload and i am going to stop.

With all of the excitement of the year, i sort of forgot about myself again. Its easy to loose yourself in the crazy of life...because of that i am paying the consequences. I have to get working on myself again, i stopped going to the gym, threw myself into work and ignored my body telling me that it needed attention that was healthy. I figured it out when i was sobbing one day on Shane and he said....this needs to end, get yourself back to the gym, get yourself up and that is what I am doing. Of course when i did that i got hideously ill. That is the awesome part of ignoring yourself, when you try to get it together you get sick, cause your body says enough. I say this because i am trying to be more open about my struggles with depression. I dont really like too but funny i have found people at my job who struggle with the same issues. The team i am on had a stand up meeting in October, with a friend we discussed mental health and how to see the signs. We gave a few options of how to work with others and bring smiles to each other. Surprisingly people were open and thanked me for the information. Some of these people come by my desk just for a smile or to make me smile. How do you help others to find joy and happiness in the down times? I find funny things to say, i tell people about my family and the crazy things we do. I often text my girls who readily text back with open and honest opinions. I also know if i dont hear from one of my girls within a day or 2 i reach out to them to make sure they are on the up and up and sometimes they arent, we then plan to get together to recharge.

So is there someone you know who you could reach out too and give support, love, understanding? I often get Face Book and Instagram positive vibes and comments. You would be surprised what the little heart emoji can do for me....It makes me aware that people see me....i am worthy....i am important....i am valued.....
Go and value someone today...<3 <3 :) (emojis are the best)