Thursday, July 3, 2014

Stress can turn to love?

It has been a while, not sure why, well I may have a answer but its nothing I want to talk about. Not sure I might in some ways....

I got through the training at my job and then within a few days (like 5) I ended up on my own. YUP, at a desk in a cube on my own. Its super scary and I don't know all of the information and I feel inadequate to help people on the phone but in reality I think I know what needs to be done. Seems overwhelming for me. I have realized that I am a slight perfectionist, but only at work. At home I think I could care less. WHAT the floor is dirty, eh whatever...or the boys are beating each other up....ok such is life. Although a dirty tub and toilet do bother me (eh ehm BRENDA HENRIE) I find that I am pretty laid back.

Trying to not stress over things is important to me. I don't want to be going all the time so that when I sit down I am bored. I like to sit down and do nothing but watch a movie or read a book....speaking of I have not read a good book in a while and I think I am getting angry about that. Scriptures are great and all but I need a good sit down book, so if you have one let me know about it!

I am working 4 10 hour days this week (which would probably be why I am overwhelmed) because of the 4th holiday. I wanted to make sure I got 40 hours in. It has been a long crazy time and often I want to go home and cry but sleep seems to do it, well not really but I think it does. OH you want to see my space??? I will show you.....

Seems like a nice spot eh? well not homey yet but i have to get some pictures up and see if I can at least not feel like I am never home. I am in the back corner of the office and sometimes I don't get much air but I brought the fan from home and hope it will help some.
This is the first time I am away from home all week long and its weird for me. Tell you what though the first paycheck was awesome. It is nice to give to the house and know that in a few years we can have our own house, a place of our own...Its nice to see the relief in the hubs face to see the money coming in and the peace he feels from that. Life has been so up and down for us that making it all work has been done on a wing and a series of prayers. I am glad that things work the way they do and we are watched over.
I am more grateful for my sisters and brothers. They always seem to know when to call me and check on me. To leave me a message or tell me they love me. I am blessed to have them in my life. I hope I can teach my kids the same. Even though we are far apart we are so supportive of each other.
Life can throw so much crap in our faces and learning to cope with it is tough. Having a sister to complain too or cry on in hard times makes for a good life. Even though we are all so different and have such different views, they are accepting of me and I of them.
Its funny how we want the best for each other but when tragedy strikes we rally and binds us and I am grateful for that.


Harlin Family said...

So happy that you got this job! You and your family deserve the best. :)

sistaht26 said...

I love you Moira! By the way your cubical is pretty nice and legit with your name plate. Keep writing your posts. Love ya!