By the time I got home he was puffy and covered from head to toe with hives. Needless to say a good dose of Benadryl and some sleep brought him under control. I must say that boy is enough to kill me sometimes. He braved it so well. I slept with him that night just to make sure he was ok. We ended up sleeping until about 11 am the next morning and missed Stake Conference. I think its probably ok as we all had a very long night. The next day he had a knot in his throat and slept a lot but by the evening he was fine.
Life around our house has been a bit crazy. This last Saturday I got to have all the kids on my bed. Shane bought me a king size bed when we moved into this new place. All of the kids fit on the bed! Its fun when we can all hang together. As we were laying there all of a sudden Jake says "Lay down with me Watson!" And he keeps quoting the Sherlock Holmes movie with Robert Downey Jr. Talk about a hysterical moment. That kid comes out with the darnedest things. We all started laughing...he thought he was the funniest kid ever...he pretty much is!
Yesterday John came home from school with a complaint. Seems they have these things called smart boards at school where you can control it with your fingers. The board is like a touch screen in front of the class. John has always had a habit of pointing with his middle finger. This is something he has done since he was little. My father, grampy and grammy as well point with their middle finger. In any case, its a bit of a cultural thing. (New Englanders will understand) The teacher got into a tizzy about him using his middle John turns and says " blame it on my Papa and call my mom if there is a problem." I have had to talk to teachers every year he has gone to school about the middle finger pointing thing. He says that pointing with your first finger is just weird, not right are his words.
Shane made a cooler box for the back of the truck for hunting season. This is kind of the coolest (pun intended thing I have ever seen. Shane is just organized enough to build something with in a reasonable amount of money that can save us a ton of meat come hunting season. John is painting it the background Shane and Jake are trimming the tree......
The tree in the yard needed to be trimmed a bit. It was a tough job for the boy but hey...a bit of hard work is good for him.
Such is life at the Henrie house right now....I have other stories but...alas...its late.
Takeshi points with his middle finger as well. I'm surprised he's been hasseled about it. Yard looks beautiful. King sized beds are the best.
Another great post. I would like to hear the other stories so post them soon. :) I agree with Melissa, king size beds are the best. We had to get one because Tyson sleeps slightly diagonally so his feet don't hang off the bed. I was tired of scrunching up into the corner so we got a king size bed years ago. He can sleep diagonally and I still have plenty of room. I could never go back to a smaller bed. BTW, Tyson and Matt both took hunters safety and passed the course. I told Tyson to go hunting with Shane. I think he's a little scared because Shane is so hard core and hikes for mile and miles. What a wimp right? ;)
Love this post!!! Shane is a great hunter, fisherman, daddy, hubby, and all-around great guy!! Those boys will learn a LOT from him. I wish them all good luck hunting, hope you get lots of meat in for the Winter. Also, I'm great with my Queen bed, as it's only been the last 4 years we've been without a full-size!! :-) I still have to scoot over in the dark to be sure your dad is still there in bed. (He gets up often about 5 hours after he goes to bed....sounds like he's got a pattern going to me). We've both always slept in one position and turned right there. Oh well!! You just keep on posting, Mo, I always love to hear what's going on. Oh, and have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY this week-end!! Love you LOTS!!
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