People who know me are aware that my filter is not there most of the time. I cant say as it really matters to me except when I am at work and have to be a "good girl". I have found that taking a few seconds to stop and take the time to process what I am going to say makes for a much easier life.
Then again I like who I am most of the time. I like the fact that I personally don't care much what people think. It has taken a lot of years to get to this point. I used to care but I think I got old. I found the ones who like me and I am good with that.
Most of all I found that Heavenly Father and Shane like me the way I am. This is a big thing for me. Sure I struggle with life, people in general, children, family whatever but in the end I really only care that 2 people in my life like me the way I am. Shane and Heavenly Father. They both know when to correct me each in a different way, both lovingly. They both care what I think, who I am, when I am happy, sad, depressed, crying....whatever the situation I am loved unconditionally by them both. In turn I love them the same. True Shane drives me crazy sometimes but in the end he is not a bad guy to hang with for a while....
So as you know who I am and know that I will probably not be changing any time soon be aware that my filter is slowly deteriorating with time and I am ok with that. So have a bit of empathy for an old lady (my birthday is soon, I am feeling old)....
What about you are there people in your life who matter? Can you narrow it down to the important people? Have you come to a point in life where you are ok with yourself? What can you do to get there? I think a big part of it is age...aged to perfection must be a real thing....
You are amazing just the way you are Moira. Your candidness is one of my favorite things about long as you don't make me cry.;) I do have people that matter in my life and I can narrow it down to the most important. I'm grateful for them. As far as being okay with myself, that's a work in progress. Some things I guess but still lots of guilt about other things. Love you lady!
Girl if u ever put a filter on my world might as well end.
Just because you CAN say something doesn't mean you SHOULD. You've said some very hurtful things in the past due to your lack of filter and it saddens me to know that you don't really care.
Interesting that whomever you are chose to comment without telling me who you are. I think everyone hurts others with words and actions unintentionally it happens to me often. I wouldnt say that i do not care as i stated i found i have to work on it. Then again if i were offened everytime someone spoke to me i would be in a ball crying all day. This is the joy of differences. If you dont like my blog dont read it, dont be a "friend" on facebook or just tell me when i offend so i can make it right. I need guidance just as much as the next person. Nuff said
I love you more than you know Rachelle
How come I missed this post? Where was I and who's the person hiding behind anonymous man, get a backbone and front up mate or back the hell off!!
Man passive aggressiveness is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves.
We're all 'brave' when anonymous aren't we.................sheesh
I'd like to think, Miss Moira, if I have a problem with you I'll either A) Get over it OR B) Talk to you about it.
People annoy me and I KNOW FOR A FACT I annoy people but I'd like to think we can all give each other a break sometimes and get over things with time, let peace filter through and slowly work out our demons.
I love myself more and more the older I get. I'm glad it's working out that way cause if it was the opposite, that'd suck.
Miss you man....................xx
I love this! I love your no filter! And look right above my comment, and we have Melissa! Another person who is not afraid to speak the truth! That is what I love most about the both of you! (repeated to Moira on a Facebook comment earlier today) *HUGS*
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