Please ignore how hideous I look in this photo. Jake is literally 4 days old and I could barely move at this point let alone hold my boys. John was so happy to have a little brother. John is 2 in this photo and by a miracle he is not sick. In any case from this day onward those two were inseparable. John would come in and sleep beside him and check on him often to make sure his brother was ok. They are still the same way. They love each other so much, half the time i cant get them to not sleep together still. I think Jake is getting to the point where he wants to sleep alone. But every once in a while i catch them together.
Jakob is one of the best kids. He is so tender and loving. He has a really sweet streak in him. I think he could be a great football player but hurting someone else makes him really unhappy.
Maybe i am bias but that kid was one good looking kid. Man he was so adorable! I always wanted to sit with him and just hold him. He was so easy to deal with. I think I needed it after he was born. It took me a long time to get myself better. ( speaking of that i really need to work on myself again, another blog another time i think)
This kid has finished out our family. I often look at him and wonder where he came from. He looks a lot like my sister Sarah and brother Malcolm. Maybe he takes after the Thomson side (my mum?!) not to sure. He has a bit of Henrie in him but I really see Fernald/Thomson. He is funny and makes us all laugh. He has a super dry sense of humor that must be the New England in him. I am glad he is like that. He rounds us out.
He is glorious and amazing. Somewhere along the way I started calling him Fred. He has always been that for me. I think as my youngest and as the one whom I had to make some really tough decisions with he is a special one. Some of his favorite things: Transformers, Chocolate, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Jill the dog, Brownies, Chili Dogs, and Fries.
Some of the things his family has to say about him:
Laura he is a good pillow
John when you hit his stomach he fartsMakalya he is not a Jerk like John
Brenda he is funny
Momma he is my Fred
Dad he likes to mow the yard (personal goat!)
Look at this kid. This is the way he is all the time, happy.
one of my favorites of him (thanks for catching this Rachelle!) Pure joy!
with his big brother.
typical of my boys always hanging out together. I love this one as well.
So to family near and far know that my Jake is amazing and wonderful. I know that he will grow to be a wonderful man someday. Just a few years away and he will be a man. For today he is my 10 year old man who loves his mom no matter what.
so here is a video of my boy. We did this a bit ago. Dont mind me and my word flub in it but he is a funny kid. This is how he is all the time. Enjoy my kid...he makes life happy. I am thankful Heavenly Father sent him to us.
Wonderful post with wonderful pictures. Happy birthday jake.
He is an adorable baby. Even now he has the sweetest face with the cutest smile. Happy Birthday to him! :)
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