On to better things Makayla Jayne turned 16 on the 19th of November. She is a pretty tough girl.
She was born at 930 at night with the snow falling and it was beautiful out. I remember looking out the window and thinking "i hope this kid is going to like me"...it would seem she did not like me from the get go....loved that daddy though. He just smothered her and loved on her like he did with Brenda. This photo above is one of the few times she was quite. She was sick from the beginning. If it wasnt one thing it was another with her. She has had so many things wrong with her i cant keep up sometimes.
At two weeks she got her first ear infections (yup both ears) and she couldnt nurse well at all. Within a few more weeks I realized she was not going to nurse so onto bottles and the joy of formula. Then she was allergic to everything made in the world.So throw up became the daily norm. Along with crying and screaming. I dont have many pictures of her after this one above because i spent a lot of time trying to stay sane and keep her alive.
She would scream all day and Daddy would walk through the door and she would stop. I had a respite for 2 hours a day. Or sometimes my blessed step mom would come and get her and let me rest or at least talk to Brenda. Makayla Jayne has been an excursion in frustration.
She started walking at 8 months, just up and walked, no crawling for her no time for it I think.
brenda being the big sister waiting for us to get the groceries out of the car
brenda and Makayla loved eachother, btw they are looking at dad not me
That is Laura and Makayla, short hair cause she didnt like her hair up
This is my girlfriend Claudia's porch. I brenda loved the swing, Makayla loves Grandmama
Makaylas first swinging time.
Makayla has this cheesy smile... still
This by far is my favorite of her. She has grown into a beautiful pin up girl
and there she is always in her daddies arms
Makayla has had to deal with more in her lifetime than any girl should. She has been sick, deaf (partially), worked through learning disabilities (still working through them and succeeding), now she deals with chronic headaches and constant pain in her ears. She is a tough kid who works hard, (home, work and school) provides for herself, but most of all she has the most giving and loving heart of all of my kids. She is tender and loving and the one who thinks of everyone but herself.
She is amazing and wonderful, sometimes crappy but that is a girl thing. She can hold her own and I am glad she can. She is going to be an awesome mom and wife. Or whatever she chooses to be at this point a mechanic and I think that is pretty groovy!
I love you Makayla Jayne....you are pretty great! Mum
Ps if you smile more boys will like you! Keep the resting B@%#h face away.
Look at those boobs!!!! What a cute kid...smile more
What a beautiful tribute Mamma,
Makayla is a beautiful girl.
Love this Moira. Great post about a beautiful and perfect daughter. I miss her. I hope she had a great day.
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