Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Hair Surprise

Sometimes you go for a haircut and you come out with something you dont expect! This has happened to me a few times in my life. I usually dont freak out about hair cuts as I know it grows back and will probably be better than before. This time though, there was some freaking out. I knew from the first chop of the scissors this was going to be a i went from this

(of course this was a few months back and it was a bit longer)

Now I am as shocked as you and it is a bit weird. It is easy to work with and i can not wait for it to grow out. Now just waiting for the grow out process....It is not what i wanted. I had intended to have long layers to below my chin but I guess no need to cry about it. I feel old now, really old. The gay guy I work with says I look great so it is approved. I actually have to say that everyone I have seen likes it. I did have the one good friend who never lies to me say it was too short and when it grows out it will look a bit better. I am glad for friends like that. My sister gave me the same advice so its all good. Maybe i should put some color in it or some blond highlights so it doesnt look so bland. 

All that being said I love my new job in AmeriBen Medical Management as an Intake Coordinator. It is exciting to have the ability to help people with their medical issues and give them the help they need to get the procedures they need to get well. I am just beginning to learn things but I am excited to keep learning. 

I dont have any other quips or happiness today. Just straight forward stuff. Sorry about being boring this time around....maybe next time more news on the changing tides of the Henrie family??!!

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