It has been a while since i have written. Life has been a series of ups and downs and I have not been able to blog much. Not for lack of not wanting too, but sometimes its just best to not write anything until you can get your head together.
As I sit here my family is sitting in their own home watching Big Jake (a John Wayne movie) and enjoying time together. It brings such joy to my heart to finally be somewhere that is ours. Somewhere that nobody can ask us to leave from, it is safe, there is no awkwardness from walking through someones home to our place of residence, there is no mold, no place that is too cold or too hot...i could go on and on. This is ours, just ours.
There is this wonderful guy named Dave who helped us find our home. A few things about Dave: 1. his wife can hit like nobody's business (and she is a little lady) 2 He has 2 of the cutest sweetest little girls in the entire world 3. He can play the piano like nobodies business and the organ (which he plays at an insane volume and makes me smile) 4. Last but not least, apparently he sells houses!
Seriously look at those delicious girls he has!! Tess on the left and Gwen on the right. so so yummy...
Seriously dont be too judgemental i took this photo and it was like 110 degrees out and we dont have a lawn right now but this is the front of our lovely home at 3022 S Indiana Ave Caldwell. I like to say its old but in reality it was built the same year that Shane and I were born. Meant to be ours i suppose.
Preliminary move in photos we didnt have everything unpacked yet and it was a mess but i was excited to get some photos up.
So the story on how we got here. A few months ago we looked at a lovely farm with 20 acres and were told at the last minute that we could not move there and the underwriters would not sign off on the loan. We were essentially homeless for a bit. I remembered a friend who said she had some space in her home we could use if we needed too, well we were in need. We ended up at her house with her family for a while about 3-4 months. We paid rent to them as we were using water and electricity and living in their home. It was not an easy time for all involved, their family was having some hardships and we were as well. I am forever grateful for them allowing us to be in their home. We learned quite a bit as a family and became even closer than we were before.
We found another house and were almost ready to sign but the monthly payment was going to be almost double what we expected to have to pay. It would have really stretched our budget beyond its capacity. We prayed together as a family and as husband and wife and came to the conclusion that it would not be worth it. Shane and I went looking and boy did we ever look, Sometimes 3-4 hours a night until we looked at the last house, this house. We walked in and looked and it was the house for me. Shane looked for a long while to see if there were any problems he could see off the bat, there were none to be found. We put in all the paperwork and signed on the house a few weeks later.
On the day of the move the kids and Kip(the coolest guy in the world) came and packed up the entire storage shed. Shane came home and they moved the first load. When they came home some awesome guys Dru Nakaya, Tyson Harlin and Kip Weybright (again) came and loaded everything in a an hour or so. Dru looked beat and went home (I dont blame him, my daughters gave him quite the run for not saying anything, he is a man of few words) Tyson and Kip said lets do this. I had to go to bed that night everything was moved to our new house. I cannot thank those men enough. Dru was even ready for bed when i called and got dressed and came over. Who does that? The other 2 well they stayed up for most of the night helping. I am humbled to know them, i hope someday to repay their kindness.
Very long story short, humility can happen at any time. Sometimes we are compelled to be humble. Sometimes we need it sometimes we just need to be reminded that we are important and loved by others. During the time we were staying in our friends house were some of the hardest times we have had as a family. We didnt have a kitchen (we didnt not want to impose on those with whom we lived) or a laundry room. Sometimes we are put in the depths of despair, sorrow, frustration, whatever it is and then a light appears in the form of friends. People who love us no matter what we think, what or opinions are, or what our religious beliefs are.
I have watched my sister for the last year grieve the loss of her sweet daughter before birth. I am amazed at her stamina, strength and concern she has for others. She is loved by so many and I can understand why. When I was in my worst moments over the last few months she called and let me be real and bitch and let me be me. I would like to think I may have done that for her at some points over the last year as well (if not with great humility I apologize and love you so much) She has been my example over the last few months of survival and learning to find joy. Humility comes in wondrous ways, having this house gives me a sense of peace and serenity. I am grateful for all those who are examples to me, and for that example, my sister, who has showed me that love and support is important, and i should except that....
There will be more to come....Laura has had a kitchen.......
THis is great news. Where's my invite for the house warming party!
Can't wait to see it in person. I am beyond happy for you guys! You deserve it! :)
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