Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Nana, Papa and Johns Birthday

I saw one of my friends last night and she said...Moira you need to Blog more so I know what is going on, you live too far away....so here I am again writing the boring life of my family.

Not so boring, my parentals came this week to visit. They are from Florida and have driven around the world and back to come visit. Sally made donuts, cake (carrot and cheesecake), pot roast dinner, tacos for dinner, lunches for kids, stocked my fridge to the nth degree and much more. My dad hung out with my boys and started teaching Jake how to play guitar, talked about cars and did some other things. It was a long week but they have left as of today, in fact just a few minutes ago.

here they are all together and at some point those boys are going to pass their sister in size I am sure. They sure had a great time with their grandparents, they come about every 2 years and the kids love it. 

Bonus of this trip they are here on Johns birthday!
he asked for raspberry cheesecake and Nana delivered, he is 13, I found the 8 and 5 for a few cents at Walmart so there you have 13. It was a yummy desert.

He didnt ask for much but the 2 things he asked for he got. First he called his Aunt Sarah over a month ago to tell her he wanted the Jurassic Park series of movies...as usual she cannot say no and delivered....

He also asked for a puzzle similar to a rubics cube. He has already mastered the cube he has, so a more complex makes for a good time for him. Look at his face he is so excited. He is working on it right now.

I am thrilled that he is 13. He is a great kid who is only 2 merit badges away from his Eagle. It has been a long road with him and he sometimes still struggles but he works through it and finds a way to get past whatever is holding him back. On top of it all, he is smart, so smart. He also has some stinking big feet! size 9 mens shoes...here is to hoping he grows some.

Having my parents here, Nana filled the fridge (as usual) and Papa and the boys drooled over cars, made for a long week and Sunday afternoon everyone crashed on the floor. It was delightful to have time just to rest. 

1 comment:

Harlin Family said...

John, that boy makes me smile every time I see him, especially when I think of him being kicked by a deer while singing "I'm a little teapot." :) Glad he had a great birthday!