Lately at work I havent had to be on the phones. In fact the phone aspect of my job has been moved to another part of the company. Frankly that is awesome. It certainly helps me get more work done then originally anticipated. In return i can plug into my headphones and just work. My job has become busier over the last few days as well. Now onto a, sort of, explanation of what I do. I bill Commercial, Liability, Managed Care and Blue Cross insurance in behalf of the patients who go visit any of the Saint Alphonsus Clinics. For reasons of HIPAA (look it up if you dont know what that is cause you need to know) I will not tell you what clinics i bill for but they are in the Boise Valley. So yes i have seen some names which are familiar to me and just do the billing and move on.
If you arent sure of what billing is, short story, You go to the doctor give them the insurance card, they send a notice to me to say you were there, I send a claim to the insurance company, I send the left over bill the insurance has not paid to you. Then I hope you pay the bill with in a certain amount of time so I dont have to send you to collection.
I started listening to Pod casts. I found a couple of apps to put on my phone that have various pod casts and i am enjoying them. I have always liked Dr Laura so I listen to some of her stuff then move to some other ones on history, crime, Dr Drew Pinsky. There is a wide range. Often times i listen to Pandora and make up a station of music to listen too. It has been fun. I tend to take time in the beginning of the day to listen to some church stuff as well.
This comes to the photo above. I have noticed that I choose how to I am going to behave. Dealing with all different kinds of people has created a really jaded side of me and i thought i had put that away years ago. Apparently not. There are a few people i work with who have made my adjustment to this new job quite easy. There are some who have made it hard (though they do not realize it I am sure) But in the end I CHOOSE how i am going to feel or be that day. I have found the more i smile and laugh the more amazing things happen to me.
I will let you in on one....I have had quite an amazing summer. First i got an amazing new job which paid more money and gave more options to grow. Then I got to watch my daughter get married to a great guy, I then got to go and visit family in a completely different country on the other side of the world. (missing breakfast and dinners with them) Then I cam home settled in a bit and then had to bury my father in law. So many amazing opportunities with in those 4 months and only 1 really good hair cut...HAIR CUT you say??? Yup... I had a really great cut before Brendas wedding then a small trim before my Britain Trip. Now it is the beginning of September and my hair is disgustingly not shaped and the ends are split and catching on everything. So i was saying something to my Homie at work, i complain to her a lot but she understands. I got to work on monday and in a moment of quiet 3 ladies (including my Homie) came up to me with a gift card for a sweet little shop to get my hair done. They had all gone in on a card to do something nice for me. I was so overwhelmed. I actually think i told them to all go away because i started crying. I know for a fact i turned around and hugged my Homie and cried on her for like 5 mins...ok maybe a couple but it seemed like forever. My gratitude for them and humility is something i cannot express.
What they may not have know was that morning i fought with my hair, i struggled with my damned mascara, I couldnt find anything that felt good to wear and my kids had a bit of a tough morning as well. I was done by the time i got to work. I didnt want to face anything I had to do but I didnt want to be a MISERABLE COW, so i sucked it up and thought of the funny things my kids do and moved on. So amazing things DO happen if you arent a miserable cow.
The other thing that happens is the above, mostly when i am at work. My Homie and I often send instant messages to each other with just the lines of music we are listening too. We both are a fan of 80s hair bands and 70s rock and of course Journey fits into that. One of the joys of my days is listening to music and chattin it up with my Homie.
Needless to say life is one roller coaster of excitement. There is always something happening, good or bad, all the time. But at the end of the day its nice to come home to my own house, my own bed and be with my hubs. It is nice to come home and not be a miserable cow and be amazed at what i have. Grateful to be able to have such great opportunities.
So what are you doing to not be a miserable cow?
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