So Brenda got married earlier this year and Darryll was planning on getting married around the same time. Well that didnt work for Darryll and I got to make another trip this year. I hadnt intended to make another trip but it was wonderful. I was so excited to be able go on a trip alone and be with my siblings. I miss them a lot. It is surprising how much i miss them over the span of a few years. I wish we could all be together. This weekend being with my sister Sarah, meeting my new sisters in law, Shanna and Amy and just being with my brothers has given me so much joy.
As many times as I had been in Boston in my life i was in an area this time where i walked past part of MIT. I could feel the smarts just seeping in my brain....ok not really but my sister and I complained that if they were so damned smart they should have been around to keep our mum here...ok not funny i suppose but it was funny to us....
My sister Sarah met me in Boston. Finding a place to stay was a bit of a challenge as it was very expensive to stay in Cambridge. Sarah has a friend who works for the Hyatt and so we got a really great deal on a hotel right on the river in Cambridge. It was so lovely. The bed was so comfy...I love comfy beds...with lovely duvets and nice sheets....It was a great place to put my stuff for the few hours we slept there.
When I arrived i was met by my Uncle John and cousin Heather both from across the pond and my sister. Needless to say i think they forgot I was coming cause they didnt really meet me...they were having too much fun drinking at the bar i am sure. It was the first time Sarah had met John so there was plenty of time for them to catch up before I showed up...the non drinker....
We went to the hotel dropped everything off and went to the pre wedding dinner. The restaurant was called Zas. it was so delicious. It must be the small town Maine/Idaho in me because i am never one for swanky food, but the food there was so so good. There were these little pizzas with much yumminess on them, 2 kinds of salad and hummus with bread. Not to mention all i could drink Diet Coke although i went to water most of the night. Meeting Amy was the greatest part of the night. Darryll looked so happy, there was so much joy on his face. I always get nervous meeting people but Amy made it so easy, she hugged me and made me feel so important to her and Darryll. It was nice to feel that love from her. She is so kind and wonderful not to mention beautiful. My anxiety just melted away. I had so much anxiety going to such a swanky affair. I am always the one out of place. I am not sure how to describe how I feel about it but its just uncomfortable. I am awkward and my nerves get the better of me. I was so glad to have John, Heather and Sarah there. It made me feel not so silly. We were out late but got back to the delicousness of the hotel bed and low and behold when i woke up the next morning......
My sister brought me some munchkins from Dunkin Donuts. I was so happy. There were pumpkin spice donuts, as an aside i do not like pumpkin but in DD i love them.
The day was so glorious when Sarah and i met up with John and Heather. We met in Harvard Square. We took a walk across the Charles River, it was so lovely. The weather was so up and down i forgot how much the weather changes. One minute its warm and glorious, next you are freezing. I could already feel the cold coming on. Sarah and i were smart and got some vitamin C in us and made sure to drink lots of water.

I was reminded so much of my journeys in England/Scotland as we walked around. All of the architecture and the roads are so similar. It brought a new context to me of why its called New England.
I couldnt resist this photo of my siblings. Darryll on the left and Sarah on the right. We were deciding what to do that afternoon, unbeknownst to Darryll and my parents we had already made plans to go the Harvard Campus and see some of the museums.
We got lost a bit on our walk to the Museum but John stopped and asked someone for directions, first they looked at him funny then gave him directions. So we start walking and a few minutes later the same college kid comes back to us and shows us the right way. He was really nice. We finally made it and hung out for a while. It was a nice time although very warm in there.
That night i got to see something that i thought i would never see in my lifetime. My sweet wonderful big brother got married to the most wonderful beautiful woman.
The ceremony was so lovely. It was a Jewish ceremony and quite delightful to watch. My brother was so handsome. I personally think he has always been handsome. Some words about my brother. He is a man of few words but very kind in heart. Loosing our mother was particularly hard for him, he was 17, what a crappy time to loose someone so dear. He was not around much after her death but he was always in my heart and mind. He showed up at family things and as i got older and he got older he would show up more and more. I would say over the past 7 years or so the 5 of us Fernald children have really worked hard on being more communicative so we are in each others lives more. Especially since the death of our younger brother Malcolm, we have been more together.
Darryll has always been the silent strength among us. He will silently give of his means to provide support to all of us in some way. He gives his time in ways that i cannot comprehend and often do not know about to support us as well. He is more giving of himself than i could ever be. At the same time he is understanding of my circumstances and my decision to be a Latter-day Saint and worship how i wish. As well as my decision to raise my children that way. He is always forthcoming with his opinion when i ask about my children and is the best uncle. Best of all he loves my husband. They could not be more opposite of people but they have a mutual respect of each other that i am so grateful for. Darryll constantly reminds me of the goodness of my husband and how much he supports our family. I could not be more grateful for Darryll and his support and love. He is absolutely wonderful. I am so grateful that I have him.

This is my Uncle John and cousin Heather. Please mind the legs in this photo. Heather rarely wears dresses but she looked fabulous and the dude in the skirt looked great as well...Very General like....bahhhh.
Here is Amy and Darryll and my parents, of course my camera took the photo right at the flash moment. eh it works
Amy got a piper for Darryll to play some tunes. Literally as soon as the ceremony was over the piper started and i teared up. I knew my mum was hanging around watching and just loving every moment. It was so nice to have a part of mum around. Not to mention her brother John. I loved being with John again. Funny that I can be myself with him and enjoy his company.
My beautiful sister and Uncle John looking fabulous.
One last story from the wedding. I am sure from reading my blog and most of you who know me, know that i have some humor to me. There was some time the evening before the wedding where people got up and made some speeches. I couldnt bring myself that night to say anything. Others did and mostly all of Amys family and some of their friends. Amy asked me that night if i would be willing to speak at the wedding. I said I tend to be the spokesperson for the family. I did the eulogy for Malcolm so i suppose i can do the non alcoholic toast for a wedding. I was out all day and finally had some thoughts in mind. I was nervous as i didnt know anyone in the room. I got up and gave a speech. Apparently it was really good because EVERYONE in the room after i spoke said how good it was. I wish I could remember, i will have to ask if there is a video. I just remember saying how much i love Darryll and how Amy has similar traits to our mother and I can understand why he loves her. I met people i would have never met in my life. Considering Darryll has always had pretty influential friends it does not surprise me that he has a wife who knows some as well. Apparently I met some publicists and other people who could make me a comedy star...I am ever so humbled they see that in me. But i wanted to do my best for my brother, my big brother, whom i have always looked up to and love so much. I am so happy he has found a love like Amy...
1 comment:
So so perfect Moira. Love it.
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