Shane and i were talking in our room all of a sudden i hear Makayla beating John...the story goes that Makayla was laying down and John took some ketchup and christened her Simba (whispering appropriately)...hence the death of said brother. While laughing ensued Shane and I figured we must have made a good family somehow. As I am sitting here right now, they are all getting along and enjoying life so i am going to hold on to that thought.
Usually Shane is off to church a few hours before us (I know its a long day for him) and then we head out. Here is how we looked today, still keeping up the tradition of Sunday photos. Jake is not much in the mood for the photo and sometimes they dont come out that well but eh, they are fun to do.

Laura likes to get ready for church but often will not put on mascara. Makes me crazy, I think mascara really rounds out eyes. She is one lucky girl as well because of her beautiful eyelashes.
She wears glasses, the thing that annoys her the most is the fact that she has mascara on they smear her glasses. I think she should deal with it!!! I love LOVE looking at her eyes on Sundays.
If that we could all have such a blessing of eyelashes???!!!! This girl struggles with enough in her life, at least she has wonderful eyelashes, eyes, peaches and cream complexion...she is amazing. I kind of like her if you didnt notice.

It would seem that my children are quite close. It has been interesting to see how they are adjusting without Brenda being here. They certainly miss her not being around much but they know her being with Skyler is important. The excitement in the house is rising as Brenda moves each week closer to having the first grandchild/niece/nephew. OH SIDEBAR::::
Brenda went for the ultrasound but the sweet child had the umbilical cord between its legs. There is a 80% chance its a Boy...ok Skyler says its a boy cause he saw the the goods. But the baby was squirming around and so we have to wait until the next ultrasound for it to be definite.
Back to what i was saying....the girls are really excited because summer will be here and they will be able to help out Brenda so much and having Skyler in school and working its going to be nice to have her sisters around for a bit. I am excited as well, but at the same time, hoping for wellness for Brenda and the baby. Pregnancy is hard, anything can happen. So i will hold my breath, sort of, until the end.
Jake is number 24
Jake is guarding that little kid who kept getting 3 point shots. That kid was great and Jake was doing a great job.
John is on the left hand side of this photo watching the basket go in. He got 2 shots this game.
John making a shot. He really did a good job.
Jake bookin it down the court. Kid runs like a line backer ( I know different sport)
I am pretty proud of them for doing basketball this time around. The boys are not that great at it mostly because they are hunters more than anything but they love having the time to run up and down the court. Shane has been taking them to the church and working the court with them and its nice to see them doing it together. The boys want to do softball as well with the stake so that will be fun also. I dont like to do that stuff but i like watching. It gets them out and running which is nice.
On another non family note, I have a friend I chat with at church. She is pretty amazing. Right now is a struggle in her life and I have much empathy and compassion for her. I dont know how to make it better for her, and probably cannot, but i try to be open and honest with her about how I feel. It is sometimes hard for me to do that with people, being my authentic (whatever the hell that means) self. For her though, I try to be a good person and give her honest feedback. I hate to think of her having to figure out the trial on her own. She is a tough woman but when it comes to the heart, that is a tough road. I am grateful she lets me be me and takes me as I am and will give me hard questions to help her. I think she may not realize she is helping me to keep the Adversary at bay with all that she asks me. I am grateful for her, grateful she is in my path.
What about you do you have someone you are helping? how does helping them, help you? I think when i read back on these entries i write questions to make sure i am on the right path. Maybe they help me stay where i need to be....
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