Shane and I both turned 45 this year. I made him this very sad looking german chocolate cake. Took me a long time to make it and then the cakes were not flat, the frosting was runny, and it was warm so it just melted. Not a great looking cake but delicious...
Sweet Axel was over for my birthday dinner. He is a big boy now sitting on 2 big books at the table. he loved eating my cake and mostly the candle. He certainly is growing...more on him later.
When my kids found out Def Leppard and Journey were coming we got some tickets to go. The kids surprised me and brought them to work, so i have been waiting months to go. Jake had the best time, he is my 80's metal head. It was a great time. Journey was ok but i would rather not see them again. Jake said, this isnt Journey, they dont sound right. Funny he didnt realize the lead is not Steve Perry. They also learned that drinking is not really the best way to go. There was a lot of drinking going on and the kids decided spending money on that stuff was dumb. They are pretty good kids, I hope they can make great decisions in the future.
Jake is super short, we borrowed a canoe so we had 2 to go hunting. YES everyone i went on a hunting trip with the boys and Shane. This photo makes me laugh, Jake cannot get the canoe up over the side. Upon more struggle it worked out, but my boys are brick house shitter whatever
John tired after a day of hunting
I thought a photo of the area we were camping. It was so lovely and the weather was great. It was crap hiking to this area, but it was good for me. There wasnt much game around this area which sucked so we packed up and went home but not before Jake got a bird and we had to eat it.
And he was tired on day one.....but after nap watching hunting shows with Grandpappy is the best.
He stopped in his tracks when the hunter on the show was stalking a deer. He watched until the hunter bagged the deer. Good times with Grandpappy.
My Jakob turned 14. I was thinking back on the day he was born, he was so small. I had been on bed rest for a long time and was at the end of my rope when he came along. Getting here was the worst process but he has been our greatest reward. He rounds out our family well, he makes us laugh, he is a smartass all the time. But he has a heart of gold, he loves with all he is and gives what he can to make people feel happy and loved. I am one lucky woman to have such a good son. Also he and John got a deer this year. They had my phone but didnt take any photos. They are good men i am proud of them.
On to other things, I detest Halloween, mostly think its a stupid holiday. Spending money on a costume i am only going to wear once....i just cant do it. BUT this year i told my work mates i would dress up for them. Our small team has been struggling for a while with an obstacle that would make the daily work horrific, frankly. There were 4 of us on the team, but one of us was difficult to work with, that person made every day a trial, every day the three of us who worked together would instant message each other positive things just so we could keep our heads up. The stress on us 3 was so palpable often we went home at the end of the day exhausted and by the end of the week our minds were so shot it was difficult to end the week. SOOOO i figured to help my girls on my team i would do it. We are the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus.
AND we won a costume contest for best group costume. Now that photo is about the only one of me that i have had taken since my weight loss. The below photo is of me at Brendas wedding 2 years ago 60+ pounds heavier. The shirt i am wearing is a peasant shirt so its baggy but the size of the skirt is 4 sizes smaller than the dress i wore at the wedding (just tootin my horn a bit cause i should)

I am not great at selfies, but this was the morning before i left, i suppose i am smaller. good good...
I cant let November go without saying how much i love my siblings. I love Mal. I certainly miss him, I dont talk to my siblings enough, we have lives but i know they are there for me. I am grateful my mum decided he needed to come to be in our family.
Nothing says happiness like chocolate after Halloween, especially when you arent quite 2. Nothing says gratefulness like seeing chocolate hand prints in your house.
And last but not least I am so grateful for this guy. I cant say anything that wont bring me to tears, our years have been hard, frustrating, sad, maddening, but we are here. I am so happy to have him to spend my life with. I took this today as we were driving to get some groceries, just sitting with him going for a ride is one of the best parts of being with him.
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