Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Moving, friendship, change

It always amazes me the way people respond to our family. My kids are pretty great, I think I am bias though. The last post talked about us moving...man news travels fast. People everywhere are confused and sad because of the move. It is all good man....all good

Our house on Bergeson is all but empty and our house on Spoonbill is full of some good Henrie lovin'. Life is going to be different but that is what adventure is for. I was thinking today about how many people our little family knows in Boise because of the moves we have made in the area. I then thought about all of those who have impacted our family. There are certainly too many to name but a few come to mind.

Kip Weybright is one of them. First time I met him was at church, tall awkward and yet tell it like it is man. I immediately loved him and his wife Heather. It feels like we have known him through so much of our life in the past few years. He has been there for every up and down. He knows my husband in ways that only one other man I can think of does. He has supported me in through Shanes cancer. When I needed a break he came and sat with Shane, he loves me and takes me as I am. There are a lot of things I have said to Kip that I would never dream of telling anyone else. He is real, kind, supportive, a true priesthood holder with power and authority in the priesthood, as well as an awesome soldier. He is the man who takes my boys for hair cuts, partly because he doesn't have any sons and partly because the boys get to wander the base with their "other dad". Shane and I rarely go out with other couples but Heather and Kip call and we go wherever they are. Our time goes fast and we laugh and always have something to talk about. Heather is full of joy, even though this year has been difficult for her I admire her joy, happiness, and love of life. They are a couple that I hope Shane and I can be like when we grow up...even though they are not that much older than us....

That's Kip helping Shane with the pig....always there the entire day...I cant imagine one with out the other. They can talk to each other about anything and I love it.

I am not a girl on the other hand who has a ton of girl friends...I have a group of women who will put up with me. I think sometimes they cant stand me so I am careful to not over talk my welcome (sometimes that gets out of hand). Rarely do people know the true me as it is too frightening for me. Melanie Terry is one who does. I feel kinda bad for her cause she sometimes gets the full brunt of me and that sucks. She is good though cause sometimes she can look at me and say....too far woman....then I can step off. Not many people can do that. She also understands the times when i don't respond its not because I dont love her its cause I am quirky and need to left alone. Moving to Meridian is going to be hard cause I love talking to her on Sunday. Thank goodness we can chat over Facebook....she gets me. Not that other women don't, I am just careful.

Hey you are thinking She didn't talk about me....well get over it I only have like 15 mins to write this...and maybe today I wasnt thinking of you. I was thinking of people right off the top of my head.

Life is hard, its full of moves, changes and difficulties. How do you adjust to it? I tend to go inside and just wait out the storm. It gets stormy....my home right now is empty and its sad...my life is in a bit of a chaotic moment but there is an underlying peace that presides, slowly showing itself....helping me understand that I am ok, I am going to be ok, there are other women who need to meet me and decide if they want to know me. Other women to offend (oh ya man it happens a lot with me, especially in Idaho)

It has been very interesting to see the reactions of those around us. People who I never expected have made a comment of how sad they are that we are moving. I am sort of surprised. My kids are handling it much better than I am. Then I think back to the times when I was a kid and we moved. I vaguely remember sad people and the frustration of making new friends. I also remember my mum grumbling about it. (I could be wrong about that part). It was tough but I think it made me realize that life is full of change. Change sucks but opportunity for growth is a good thing. 

So in the future think about what changes did to you in your life? How do they affect you and do they make you better? I can hope for my kids they are learning to value of friendship, love, companionship, and not to have too much crap cause most of it is useless.....


Melissa said...

Every move has been worth it to me and this move will be worth it for you guys. You just wait. They'll love you guys for sure. I'm glad you have people you love and can write about. It's so nice and you're one lucky duck. There'll be a hole in the ward. Who am I going to visit on Sunday afternoons?

Harlin Family said...

Moira you are awesome! Tyson and I love you, Shane and your kids. You will bring some great things to your new ward and make some awesome new friends in that area I'm sure. We'll keep in touch through facebook and your blogs. Thanks for sharing your great insights. There are always little nuggets of wisdom in your blog posts. Keep em coming!