I am overweight, tired, frustrated with my job and where I am, I want to shop to have more, to do more. I want my house to be better than it is, BUT today I was reminded that I have a blessing that some other people do not have. I have depression and anxiety. Why is it a blessing you ask? Because it makes me who I am. It has taken a long time to be so open about it. I know it started when i was a preteen and has been a part of my life for years. I have eluded to it often and have started talking about it in the last year more often.
Now why is this a blessing in my life? Kind of a dumb thing i think to have it be a blessing but at the same time it has shaped me. I have been afraid for many years of what people think of me or the way they see me. I am not pretty, not thin, dont have nice clothes, or a new(er) car. Heck i just realized how smart i am working where i do. My sisters and brothers are way smarter than I. Over the past year i have found that my struggles are more prevalent than I expected. Most of the women i have run into have some level of depression or anxiety. I have even seen it in my children. (no worries we are working on it as a family). It can be at any level as well. Worry over children, money, looks, learning curve almost anything you can think of.
Today i was reminded again that my blessings of depression and anxiety have been a blessing to others. I had a friend today tell me how grateful she was for my blog and what she found out about me. At another time this week I was thanked for being so honest about my troubles. That day i had a hard morning and getting to work was tough. The next day she and I sat outside during lunch and talked about how similar we feel and she thanked me for being me. I in turn am completely blessed to have her in my life.
So what do i do, how do i keep my head above water? How do i keep going on when sometimes i sit at my desk and want to cry? I laugh...A LOT. I find reasons to make funny stories, small little jokes, which turn into big ones, making fun of myself sometimes to bring a respite to the day. I am glad I can be that for others.
Well my blog for this week isnt that wonderful, but maybe helpful? Leave some noise if you want, I am always available for questions as well. Know this I am more grateful for my Heavenly Father for loving me through the toughest times. He is always there for me, ALWAYS on my side. Making me understand myself.
Now for a few quotes from a man I admire with all that I am. He is amazing and engaging. His words lift me every time i hear him speak. His name is Jeffery R Holland. If you are ever interested in hearing from him youtube him.
I am always around.....
What!!! You have depression and anxitey?.....me too. :p
You are amazing Moira! Thanks for sharing these parts of you. I know it helps others to know they're not alone in their journey through life. Depression and anxiety are hard to say the least. I can say that having experienced both to a certain degree in my life. I appreciate your outlook on the blessing it is in your life. It is a way to draw us closer to our Heavenly Father as we need to rely on him fully. You are a wonderful person who is always helping and lifting others up, despite your struggles. That is a gift Moira. You are a light in my life. Thank you and lots of love! :)
Love you mum.
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