Monday, October 26, 2015

My Jake is 11

Jakob Joseph had a birthday a few weeks ago. That kid makes me happy. He makes everyone laugh around him. When his siblings arent home he is not the same. He is a low maintenance kid really. He does not ask for much. He makes the best brownies in the universe. He is strong and smart. He loves to help his dad in all things mechanical, dirty and basically gross. Those 2 are always in the garage working on something. Dont get me wrong he is smelly and a boy but he is wonderful. His favorite book right now is Corinthians, yes you read that right the Bible. He reads to me at night and is always curious about what, why, and how the old Apostles worked. Good thing there is a really smart guy in our ward with a huge amount of knowledge of the Bible.

All that being said here is my boy

Here is is gift from us Black licorice. I despise the stuff but he loves it....he was so happy.

The only thing he asked for was the Hobbit all 3 movies. We have watched them so much over the past few weeks I wish the movies would go away. But he actually squealed with excitement when he opened his gift from his Aunt Sarah. Its the little things that make him happy.

I like that about my children. It is the little things. Time together, laughing at each other, loving each other.Makes me think Shane and I have done something right. They love the time together. Playing games, listening to music,working together...whatever it is they love each other. Dont get me wrong there are times i am sure there is some sort of death on the horizon, but all in all...

I hope they are this way for the rest of their lives. I hope they feel the way about their siblings like i feel about mine. No matter where they are in the world they always have each other.When Shane and I arent around anymore I want them to have each other. 

I am hoping for photos soon of my kiddos so if you read this keep on reading. Those will be coming. On another note this is my day today, this was how i felt at 6 am...

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