Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Friend, Scouts, A bit of the UK

I have been working on a blog post about my trip to the UK but it is coming along slowly. I keep getting stuck, so i put it aside. I found though that i have other things to write about. Since i have been back to work I have tried to really concentrate on my job more and work harder than usual. I really missed going to work everyday, it has become a part of my life. The job there is a blessing in my life. I am feeling challenged quite a bit as well lately. Some of the ladies i work with are so nice to be around and super helpful.

Since my trip i found that i am really super out of shape. I have a found a really great friend here. It certainly has taken a while but i found one. There are others but with my friend i can be myself and talk about anything and everything with her. She is kind, understanding, supportive and willing to listen to me bitch about anything. She understands when i  bitch and complain that it just to get it off my chest. She understands where i am coming from. She has been a great support to me over the past few months. Her daughter is getting married in a few months and we decided to get into some sort of shape. Her daughter has picked a color that is quite bright and she will be wearing it at the wedding. She wanted to loose some weight and get into a bit of shape. Our house is a bit down the road from the High School. She comes over at 6 am and we walk to the school and journey around the track a couple, sometimes 3 times. It is a pretty long walk. We take the dog with us and she enjoys the high life of running free for a bit (dont tell anyone that part).

Cindy and I have figured out that we are very similar in a lot of ways. I have come to a realization that its okay to be and do as i wish around her. It takes a bit for me. She can be clear with me and honest with me about what i am doing if am not on the right track. I am often surprised that she deals with my crapola. Its a huge comfort to me. I can text her, call her, go to her house virtually anytime i need or want too. Walking every morning has given me an outlet and made me get some exercise in. So I may not say it much but I love you Cindy, thanks for loving me back.

In other news, my boys are off to scout camp in McCall. Those boys have worked their butts off this summer to earn the 250 bucks it costs to go. They have also worked hard on their merit badges. John has finished all of his paperwork for his Eagle Scout Project. He is turning in the paperwork in the next week or so. This is exciting stuff considering he isnt ever 14 yet. It doesnt happen often that a boy earns his Eagle Scout at 14. Jake is well on his way to his Eagle as well. Funny story about the boys. I received a notice from the cable company whom we have internet through. We have gone over our limit for whatever (not savvy in that way) and its because we have 2 boys constantly working on line on merit badges. Interesting, i find it funny. Good thing those merit badges are almost done for the summer.

So for a few photos of my trip. We went to the Brittish Museum and got to see some of the most AMAZING things here are a few photos of some paintings from some of the greats.

VanGogh !!! I mean for real I was standing in front of it, not more than 10 feet from it!

VanGogh....i still cannot tell you how amazed i was. 

VanGogh i could see the brush strokes in the paint, it was so surreal

Degas called Ms La La at Le Cirque absolutely beautiful

an actual Michael Angelo it is unfinished but absolutely stunning. 
One of the coolest places in London we went too was this park. We were across the road looking for the Hard Rock Cafe and I saw a park and needed a rest. So we sat down for a bit in Hyde Park and I admired the beautiful green grass and trees, we got up to walk more and i looked down and there this was. I loved Princess Diana. She was a great role model and mother for her children. Her demeanor was wonderful, she was gracious. It made me stop in my tracks and take a few mins to think about what kind of mother I am. And here i was with my daughters in a city full of history. It was a great moment for me. I am sure my daughters didnt see it the way i did but it sure meant something to me. Princess Diana touched my life and she was gone far too soon.  

OH and i miss these people who are my family, who love me and brought me great peace and many stories about my sweet mum. 

They fed us, let me cry, cried with me, laughed with me, oh and they fed us.I love them. Ron and Iris i am looking for a photo of you two and i cannot find one. I miss them so much....

1 comment:

Melissa said...

This is so great.