Saturday, December 8, 2018

Chocolate Hand Prints, Unicorn Poo, Makaylas Birthday

I havent found much reason to write, then i realized my family reads this and i should do an update. 
This is what happens when Grandmama gives grandson chocolate and lets him run. 

How can you not love every minute of this bub??? Delicious
I have a sweet friend at work named Hope. When I told Jake about her, daily for a week he would give me this face and then ask if my friend was Hope-less, so i started sending her the photo. She always replied i am Hope Floats. Jake is my sweet boy. He is always so kind and understanding. By the way this kid also gets accolades at school and doesnt tell us. He is a humble kid.
A grandson looking up at his Grandpappy just wondering...

Sometimes i get all of my kids in one room its nice to have them all together. Over the next few years it will be touch and go when they can all be together. Laura is in the last stages of getting all of her mission stuff accomplished before she goes to the temple and puts in her papers to the Church. 

Speaking of that, Laura has worked herself to the bone to save enough money for her mission. She has saved every penny to pay for her entire mission in one go. Gratefully she is a bit early so there will be money left to do her clothing etc she will need. She turns 19 in March 2019, so we are waiting until we have the chance to put in her papers. So for 18 months she will be serving the Church and we will have minimal contact with her. She seems excited to start on this journey but i am sure she is more nervous than anything. 

A girlfriend at work saw my little piggy on my desk, if you squeeze it there is poop coming out, so she sent out for little unicorns. She bought enough for everyone on our team. It was a fun toy, its nice to have on days when i am stressed. 

Speaking of my job...there have been some changes. I am still working in the same building just moved to another team. Have you ever felt so blindsided you wonder what the heck you are doing. This happened to me at work about a week ago. Some of my goals and aspirations which i let my leadership know about i was told i could not achieve them. As i look back i realize the person talking to me was under a lot of stress. I am trying to not think badly or feel badly about things, as it is not necessary to keep dwelling on it. But there are moments when i just want to scream. Gratefully i am reminded daily of my goals and what i want to achieve. My family is super supportive and kind, i love them for all they do for me. As for my job it will all work out the way it should. Sometimes we go through the crap to get what we want. 

Over the Thanksgiving break my sweet family spent 4 days smoking meat. We quite a bit of it, most of it was to help Laura with her mission. It was hard work, they were all up day and night to just get everything done. On the Friday after Thanksgiving, they cooked for all of the singles in our ward. Singles meaning anyone age 18 to whatever, so this included widows/widowers. They did an amazing job. I am so proud of them. It was a rough week and they all paid for it on the weekend. I find it quite amazing they are all willing to work together to support Laura in her journey. Makes a mums heart happy. 

Within all this time Makayla turned 20. I cannot believe it. She has some wonderful plans over the next year that i will talk about later when things are set in stone. She has worked so hard to be the woman she is, i could not be a prouder mother. 

She wanted smoked pork and mac and cheese. We gave her cereal as well, she didnt  want anything chocolate either. Next time you are in a grocery see how many ice cream brands you can find that are NOT chocolate. It took us a while and only Strawberry. Good thing she likes Strawberries. She is an amazing girl if you dont know her you should. 
I have found lately i have had some pretty low days. I had a friend remind me about this saying the other day. She is a great friend. So for the last week i have run this through my head to remind me of who i am. I am a daughter of God and its nice to know i am always being watched over. Life is sometimes a tough road, work is tough, family is difficult, working through issues, finding ways to be happy when you are downtrodden...i know there are others out there who think of me as well. I am surprised by the messages i have received over the last week. The best things happen when you least expect it. I am grateful that I have a God who loves me and watches over me. He sends those in my path who can make me smile, who can drop a message, whatever it is, i will make it through. 

Which brings me to a question....what do you do when you are feeling defeated. When you feel like you cant take another step. Whatever it is I hope you find your way out of the darkness, frustration, defeatedness....whatever it is. Dont forget to share  yourself with others when you feel better. That may be the day when that person needs it the most, when we give it comes back.

Now onto Christmas............

1 comment:

sistaht26 said...

I love you Moira! I miss you! I'm so thankful for you!