Sunday, February 19, 2017

Robins, Brown eyes, Grateful

Round about the end of January I came out after work and there were about 10-12 robins just hanging out in one of the trees at the front of the building. The day was dreary and overcast the snow had piled up so high on the sidewalks and in the lot that it seemed there was no end the the sadness of winter. But there were the robins. Just hanging in the tree, singing and scavenging for food. Some of the trees and bushes by the building i work in have fruit and the birds were chowing down. I stood there and watched for a bit, in wonder at the creations of the earth. The photos arent that fabulous but trust me i was so happy to see the end of winter was coming. The moon had changed a few days before and the smell in the air was different. Spring is coming.

When Jake was born i was so excited for a couple of reasons. 1. was that i was DONE having children. 2. after a few days i realized this boy had the most beautiful brown eyes. Every once in a while he indulges me and lets me take a photo of his eye(s). His dad thinks i favor him but really i just enjoy him. That kid makes everyone laugh, gives me love when he sees i am down, has an intuition about others in need. He is kind. Not sure where he came from but he is amazing. I mean seriously look at that eye?!

Some of my favorite food is Cabbage, carrots, and RED potatoes. I love red potatoes. The hubs went and bought some as he knew i was missing my New England food. I miss fresh seafood, boiled dinner, cake donuts from JJ Nissen. (this is a shout out to anyone who wants to send some along). Just miss the food. Maybe because its all comfort but either way, the dinnah above was so glorious i had to take a photo to remember. Just missing the turnip....

There has been tons of illness in our house over the last month. John has had pneumonia 2 times, Jake and Laura had bacterial bronchitis, I had pneumonia and Makayla topped it off with a double ear infection. It has taken about a solid month to get all of the illness out of the house (not to mention all of the visits to urgent care). Brenda and Skyler had a flu which has not been good for her as she has been so sick with her pregnancy. She is finally at about 17 weeks or so and can keep food down without feeling sick so now she is eating quite a bit. Skyler is making sure she eats whatever she wants as she lost about 25 lbs in the first 16 weeks. She isnt even showing yet really just a tiny belly but she wont let me post any photos yet. Skyler says yes so its something we will have to work on. 

I posted this as my Valentines day post. I love how it turned out. My funny family. I love them all. They make me smile, cry, yell, scream, feel them. 

Took this photo the other day on the way to work. The weather is turning, the morning sky is beautiful, my ride to work is full of the morning sunrise over the Rocky Mountains. Its lovely. Kind of serene. I try to listen to something soft and calming in the morning so I am ready for the day. 

I have been working on being calmer, thoughtful, kinder...would i say its working? No, but i am working on it. Work has been easier to deal with, my mates around me are amazing and so kind to me, even when i dont deserve it. They smile when i need it and give me strength. My kiddos are fabulous and kind always supportive and understanding. My husband is one of the best guys a girl could ask for. He is very busy working under tons of stress but always finds time to pay attention to me and love me. I am grateful....i need to write more so i remember how grateful i am...what makes you grateful?

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