Friday, July 31, 2015

Housewarming Come and SEE

One of the things I love about my husband is his ability to make things. I needed some hooks in my bathroom and sure enough he found away. My bathroom is small but now its much more fun to walk into. My shower is just beyond this one.....

He made this small cupboard as well. It is nice to have a place to put things now instead of on the counter. This was a surprise for me when i cam home from work. It was a joy to see. He is a good man who takes good care of me. 

On another note I love getting things in the post, I am terrible at returning the favor.  (so do not expect much from me,) My Aunt Iris has always been great at keeping in her loop. Oh I just love the cards that come from her. I am sure I have saved may of them through the years. They are in random places. This one means a lot to me considering we have waited so long for our own place. THe saddest part is that i may not ever see her or Uncle Ron again as England is far they are elderly and i do not have enough money saved as of yet. Iris is a big reason I wanted to start a blog. I wanted my extended family to know what was going on across the pond. I am not sure if they all read it, but its out there for them.....because they keep me connected to my mum...(by the way my Aunt makes these cards)

We have acquired a few new things over the past few weeks for our house. We were gifted a beautiful television for which I am grateful. I have always wanted one this size for my house. The folks that gave it to us are very kind and loving. We have also had some other things given to us which have made our house become a home. 

All that said if you read this you are invited to a Housewarming party on the 15th of August from 11-1. I wasnt sure if I really wanted to do one considering my family does not like that kind of thing, but I want everyone who has been behind us and carried us through the hard times to come and enjoy our home with us. I have posted this on Facebook...but please do not feel excluded....come and see us. Come enjoy our house. 

I hope you can find the time to drop by 3022 S Indiana Ave in Caldwell 83605. Oh and thanks for supporting us......

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