Monday, September 19, 2016

Hair, Subway, Family

In the previous blog i wrote that the great ladies at work gave me a gift card to get my hair done. I thought about it a lot before i really decided to take the steps to make a change. You have seen photos of me before but if not well here is a before
My hair is kind of blah...over the years i have gone from the beautiful strawberry blonde to sort of a muddled blonde with sliver. Now i dont mind silver but its not all here is the after 

the top photo is from work. I had to see it under the lights. It is fun. The other 2 are in my bathroom at home with different light. The cut is really nice. I like it A LOT. So now its a matter of keeping up with it. I am hoping to be able too. So we shall see it looks exciting.

In other news this girl FINALLY got a job and she is so happy. She is working at Subway close to the house. She can ride her bike to work and will be getting her license soon. I am so proud of her. She has been struggling these last few months or year or so really with some medical crap that is hard to deal with. I wont say much about it because its her privacy but needless to say she is a trooper. Some days i know its hard for her to take another step, another movement. But she keeps going. She wants to serve the Lord on a mission and i am so excited she wants to do that. She struggles but will be amazing...she will make it through.

other times my kids are all at the house, including the married ones. Its so nice to have them there. Skyler is such a great addition to our family. On this day he was so tired but came anyway. He has great views of the gospel the discussions with the family now are even better. 

everyone knows our house gets wild but in the end they all love each other and want to be together. It is an absolute pleasure to be their mother,...on most days. 

 Look at Jakes face, that kid cracks me up. My mother in law is in the hospital with a surgery and there was a threat of there was the complete joy of getting dressed to be in the room.....The boys always take it one step too far but hey they are boys. My mother in law will be fine, it has been a tough long ride with her, but my sister in law is amazing and taking care of all of the hard facts of medical stuff, while shane and i take care of the liquidation of the assets. It has been a trial and a half but....we have funny kids.....i mean look at that kid

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