Friday, July 4, 2014

Computers, Snuggles and Love Twu Wuv

Over the past little bit my computer has been a bit under the weather. I am a bit sad about that. Actually what happened is that the charging cord stopped working i sent out for a new one as I have a warranty. I take great umbrage at outsourced phone calls. Annoyance is part of daily life but I know your name is not Lisa or Jacob, is something different and you are suckling a monkey while you are talking to me because you are always saying weird things. I guess I should not be too upset about his but...BUT, 2 times they have sent me the wrong charger. I am trying to be patient but its frustrating me.

I thought I would post some photos of what has been going down in the Henrie town. Jake told me about a month ago that he was too big to sit on my lap any more. Apparently he is a big guy now and he doesnt need me, ya he is a liar cause this happened a few days later.

He explained to me that sometimes he has to take care of me, so he has to snuggle with me. Made me chuckle but it was nice although he is NOT a small boy.

 Last weekend we did a pig roast for an ward we used to attend. Pig roasts are a ton of work. I am not sure people really know how much work goes into one but we started at 6am and didnt finish until 8pm. Cooking the pig is part of the work we have to get the pig from the farm and take it to the butcher and then pick it up and then store it for an evening....makes for a long week. Then we do turkeys also and those have to be thawed, cut in half, seasoned and stored as well to let the seasoning sit for a day or so. Life is all pig and turkey for a week then its all smoke for the last day. Smoke in your eyes, nose, mouth, clothing...everywhere. Makes for a sucky end to it but its fun to see the joy on peoples faces when they see a pig come off the spit and have some to eat. Along with some smoked turkey. If i do say so my self its really good food. Sane and the kids are impressive, they make some delicious food. Not only do they cook all the food but they make some killer root beer....I am not  fan of root beer but this stuff I like.

 (I have a tough time putting pictures in the right spot on this blog thing so bear with me. I didnt want to put them all in a row, I wanted them side by side...whatever dont care it is what it is)
In any case I am pretty proud of my bunch of cookers and how much work they put into it all. We do not get paid to do this, just reimbursed our cost. I think it makes our family quite unique, along with other things that we do as a family. A lot of people tend to think we work our kids all the time or we are all business. We decided when we were first married that our kids would be busy. Hunting, fishing, camping, cooking, ya there is cleaning, working together finding ways to always have something going on so that they didnt feel bored or find things to do which may be unsavory....
This photo is one of the last ones i took before I had to go to work. I work Saturday nights at Bed Bath and Beyond still so I went and worked a 6 hour shift after all of this as well. Its no wonder we missed church the next day as we all did not wake up till 845. Then we sat around and some of us went back to sleep........some of us just veged out and did nothing......

It is awesome to hang with my family. I sometimes have a hard time telling them I love them, not sure why that is, but they are amazing.

Over the past month I have been through some ups and downs which have tested my resolve. I think personal struggles can push our emotions to the breaking point. They can also skew your idea of normal, your ability to work with your spouse and children....I think other things as well but i dont want to go there. I have noticed lately that there is an underlying resolve to break apart the family, destroy the relationships between husband and wife. I have also noticed that disagreements between spouses are causing great damage to children. There are some hard issues going on around me of which I try not to comment on. I have experienced tragedy, abuse, love, amazing triumph, some more tragedy, some more love, and triumph. For the last month I have been hoping for more triumph and working towards that. Its a long hard road, and I need to keep going. But I will not publicly speak about the abuse I suffered at the hands of a particular person to help others feel better. That will make me relive a time of my life which I have moved away from. I have learned the power of Christs Atonement, his sacrifice for me behooves me to forgive and move forward.If I am to be Christlike I need to forgive, this means I leave behind the suffering and live for the future. I dont need to shout from the roof tops or through social media to be a strength to others. I find that being who I am, becoming strong, independent, loving, understand, full of empathy can show others the power of Christ.

Take or leave what I say but its my blog and frankly life is so full of good things, i choose to teach my daughters the power of womanhood. I choose to teach my sons the beauty of priesthood and manhood. I choose to teach my children the joy of life and power that comes from Christ and his love for us.

Love is an amazing thing, it can make or break you depending on how you utilize it, you can use it to destroy or you can use it to uplift. My life with my husband has not been easy by any stretch of the imagination. We have struggled with monetary issues, health issues, personal issues (between each other) some other couples would have broken by now, yet here we are...Forgiveness (Christs Atonement) and love are the 2 things which drive us.

I love this man (with or with out the beard) because he loves me. He took me at a time when I was not able to love or understand how he could love me...he took me and loved me no matter what. He found a woman inside that was torn and broken and made her whole again. He didnt have too, but he did. Have I been mean? YUP sure have...has he? YOU BET...but we found a way to work through it. No person is perfect, I know for sure I am not, but I think my hubs is pretty close. He is for me, what about yours...can you see through the issues and remember what you married that person for? Can you put aside all of the daily junk and find the love you had at the beginning before you got naked together? Can you find it somewhere in you to fix whatever is wrong or if nothing is wrong find something to make your life sing? Dont forget to pay attention to each other....someday the kids will be gone and it will be you and that other person....

Some day it will be just us and I am pretty excited to get some time to hang with someone really cool....


Carly G. said...

I'm not sure if my comment posted, so I'll say it again: I love you and your posts! Keep 'em coming.

Harlin Family said...

Your a great example Moira! So glad to know you.

Melissa said...

Great post. Drus one of the best people I know in real life. BFF's man. Love him and my life. I think you make great points.