Tuesday, November 4, 2014

beauty and some funny!

Have you ever wanted to travel? Just go where ever the wind takes you? I do! Some day I may be able too but for now I travel from my house to work and home. There are some beautiful views here in Idaho (I never thought I would say that)

Someday I am going to see more of the world. My next trip will be full of pictures. Not sure when that will be but when it happens I am going to enjoy every minute. God has sure made a beautiful world.

What ever you believe in life is a wonderful thing. We all have ups and downs in life. I certainly do, what about you? I thought a bit of funny would make life more interesting for my blog.

In all reality, laughing makes my day a lot easier, so I find ways to laugh and enjoy life. It may not be the most conventional ways but I find them. Joy is what you make it...go out and get some!


Karla said...

I love keeping up with your family now that you've gone to the other side of another town! When did you get the horse by the smoker?

adventuresofthecrazies said...

That is Jill our dog, we have had her in the family for 6 years, she is usually outside looking for squirrels...i miss you Karla